Plusieurs milliers de travailleur-euses ont manifesté à Bruxelles, à l’appel d’IndustriAll Europe contre la casse de l’industrie et des postes de travail dans toute l’Europe et en France. Ce communiqué et celui de la CGT en rendent compte.
Europe’s Industrial Future: Today, Europe faces a choice – invest now or deindustrialise
Wednesday 05 February 2025
On 5 February, thousands of trade unionists from across Europe united in Brussels to call for more investment in good industrial jobs.
Industries and jobs across Europe are under increasing threat. Deindustrialisation is a harsh reality. IndustriAll Europe called on its members to mobilise and join today’s rally in Brussels with a clear message: Invest now for good industrial jobs!
Shop stewards and union leaders from across Europe voiced their concerns for the steel, automotive, chemicals, shipbuilding and textile industries, among others.
Tens of thousands of job cuts have been announced in recent months.
We cannot stand idly by! We demand action now, to secure the industries – the backbone of Europe’s economy.
Judith Kirton-Darling, General Secretary of industriAll Europe, says: “Today, Europe faces a choice – either deindustrialise, lose our jobs, our industrial leadership, and leave Europe dependent on imports, at the mercy of decisions made elsewhere in the world, or invest in our jobs using all the tools available to ensure our industrial autonomy and our economic security. Europe cannot be prosperous or peaceful without good industrial jobs. Manufacturing underpins our welfare states and social cohesion.”
Europe has already lost 2.5 million manufacturing jobs since 2008 and nearly 100,000 jobs have been lost in the European steel industry alone. The situation is fast getting worse. Over 90,000 job cuts have been announced in the automotive sector since June. Job cuts are stacking up across our industries – in the chemicals, basic metals, textiles and basic materials. These are not just in “old industries”, but also in new, green activities – in wind turbine manufacturing and in battery plants. Eurostat figures show 4.3 million jobs are at risk if action is not taken.
IndustriAll Europe demands that the EU urgently takes emergency measures and invests and acts to safeguard workers now, and:
- Implements a European programme, like we had during the pandemic, supporting a moratorium on forced redundancies and lost industrial capacity, with negotiated solutions for every worker and every site
- Stops austerity by allowing clean industrial investment to flourish
- Uses public procurement and funds to boost demand
- Offers no blank cheques for business – we want jobs and investment guarantees for every euro of support
- Ensures industrial resilience in global markets by acting to tackle overcapacity, unfair trade and dumping
“The Deal must provide the right to affordable, clean energy for all, at home and at work. It must ensure democracy at work through strong collective bargaining and the workers’ voice, with global supply chain guarantees that ensure fair trade, fair purchasing practices and respect for human rights.
“The European project was built on and by industrial workers – by us! It’s time to put working people back at the centre of this project through a clean European investment and an industrial deal with good jobs at its heart. We must take hold of our destiny. We are here today, united to say loudly together – it is not too late, but Europe must invest now in good industrial jobs.”
- Télécharger (CGT) : 09 – CP de la CGT -Mobilisation européenne des travailleurs de l’industrie à Bruwelles – 060225 –